Some things are too good to be true and that was certainly the case with “Victoria”. We matched when he was visiting my area when in reality he lived about 100 kilometres away. The distance was not an issue because we had a flexible means of getting back and forth so I pursued the match. We met and he was perfect. Incredibly sweet, handsome, tall, charming, funny, great job, and he had just bought a new house. He even asked me to help decorate and pick things out for his new house. He was so perfect but something felt off. I had lengthy conversations with my friends and could not for the life of me figure out what my intuition was trying to tell me. “Victoria” and I spent a lot of time together and when he asked me to come on a trip to Utah with him last minute, I was not entirely surprised. He was planning this trip to do alone which he complained about many times. Hiking alone, the spa alone etc. so I asked work if I could get the time off and sadly it was declined so last minute. As a compromise I headed over to his place before he left and spent the night.

On the day he was set to return he showed up as a suggested friend on social media. His picture was a cute photo of him and a girl sitting at a table together, weird because he only has brothers. I clicked on the picture and the caption read “She said yes! We could not be happier! #engaged #utah” with her tagged. What?! What would he have done if I could have gone on the trip? Now what do I do?
I then asked every female I know if I should tell this woman or not. I was the long term girlfriend and had the guy start something with someone else and I would have liked to know so I wanted to tell her. The consensus was to message her. I crafted a message something along the lines of I did not know he had a girlfriend and I had the texts if there was any question we were talking about the same guy. The message showed as read and then both she and him blocked me. I understand they got married and moved into the house they bought together that I picked towels for.

We are given such a wonderful gift in our intuition and I know I should trust mine more often. There are times when something does not feel right and usually it ends up that way. This would have hurt so much more had I not listened even a little bit to that gut feeling that something was not right. A year or so later one of my friends suggested a trip to the city he lived in to have a positive memory attached to the city. We toured a number of breweries and one was Ile Sauvage Brewing Company. They specialize in unique sour beers and the vibe at the brewery is very cool. A perfect replacement memory. My favourites were their Tropique Sour and one that was on their rotation called Au Jardin (made with beets and lemon).The trip was planned out with the help from BC Ale Trail