Can you go back to someone if it didn’t work the first time? Should you? I met a guy on the apps and he started out with a different nickname but earned LCD (short for Last Chance D). This is an example of a short term situationship (certainly not a long term committed relationship).
Our first batch of dates was all within the span of a week and a half. Our first date was a lot of fun for just being drinks and some snacks at a bar. The conversation was fun and flirty and we had a lot in common. The second date was a very rushed coffee one evening after he got off work late. The entire date was maybe 45 minutes but worth it. The third date was to an outdoor fair and we shared all different kinds of foods and I introduced him to churros. Fourth date was dinner at his place. The only table LCD had to eat at was in his hallway, it was cute and romantic. We had a date planned for the next week and he became sick and cancelled our date, he wasn’t too sick to go on a guys weekend at a ski resort just a couple of days later. We had planned a date for when he was back, that one was cancelled because he fell asleep and didn’t message me until hours after. I hadn’t heard from him in more than a week and so I suggested that we part ways and wished him all the best.

Fast forward a month and a half later. He had travelled to visit family and I guess he assessed his priorities and wanted to reconnect but this time with promises of being better and making it up to me. We went out for a really great three course dinner and dressed up, the whole thing. We dated for about 3 weeks and it seemed to be going well. Then suddenly radio silence for a month. No messages or even comments on Instagram, he was gone. I moved on and was thriving and maybe that’s why he popped back up again. Again, saying that he wanted to be the end of this blog, he wanted to be the guy for me, and he didn’t want to end up just being LCD. One date and then 2 weeks of silence. LCD is out of chances.
There are plenty of memes and quotes online about getting back together when something didn’t work the first time. “They always come back” “Boyfriend or fuck off”. I now know that I should not have encouraged him the second time and absolutely not the third time. This was a learning experience for me because I ended up disappointed and hurt way more than I needed to be. I ended it the first time because his behaviour wasn’t acceptable for me, and I should have held firm on my decision. It was the right decision, and I should have trusted myself. Ironically on the day that I’m posting this, a favourite podcast of mine called Girls Gotta Eat talked about “When Exes Come Back”. This summer I wont be going backwards, there are too many fish-holding men on the apps that I haven’t met yet. New Fuck Summer.

I’ve picked a brewery in Denver, Colorado called Mockery Brewing for this post. This brewery is in an industrial area in Denver and looks like a tin sided warehouse at first but there is an amazing mural on the side of a bear and a salmon and they have an excellent patio. Their beer was delicious and just the right level of experimental. Highly recommend you visit them if you’re ever in the Denver area.