After going on a few online dates I created a list of personal rules for the first date (and as many as needed after that). These rules are meant to keep me safe and protect me in case something goes sideways:
– Meet somewhere you know – you know where the exits are, how to get home easily, etc.
– Have a “person” who knows exactly where you are and who you’re with, this means their name, job, any information that will narrow them down from the other million people in your city.
– Have a check in time. I suggest 2 hours in. Most dates don’t mind me sending a quick “I’m having fun and I’m ok” message when asked.
I will typically go to a local brewery for my first dates. You can leave at any time, most of them either have a kitchen or food trucks nearby in case it’s going really well and you need food, and I know how to get home in case my car acts up or something happens.

These seem like little things but they’re important when meeting an internet stranger. Feel free to use them and let me know of they work for you!